About me

I am a third-year master student from the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University. I am fortunately supervised by Professor Zhiyuan Liu.

My current research focuses on the scalable oversight and comprehensive evaluation of large models, aiming to uncover predictable scaling laws and unlock the potential of model training.


🔥 2024.4 We release UltraEval paper.A user-friendly LLM evaluation framework characterized by lightweight, comprehensiveness, modularity, and efficiency!

🔥 2024.2 We release OlympiadBench. An Olympiad-level bilingual multimodal scientific benchmark!

🔥 2024.2 MiniCPM has been released, using UltraEval as its evaluation framework!

🔥 2023.11 We release UltraEval. A platform for easy evaluation of LLMs’ well-rounded ability!

🔥 2023.9 The first sucessful attempt on predictable scaling was released!


Selected Projects

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  • Friends of Tsinghua-Wuhan Excellence Scholarship 2023.

  • The CCF Elite Collegiate Award 2019.

    Only 73 in the whole country.

  • Global Second Prize in the 2019 ASC World Student Supercomputer Competition.

  • National Encouragement scholarship 2017.